Creating object of the wrapper classes
You can create objects of all the wrapper classes in multiple ways
Assignment : By assigning a primitive to a wrapper class variable(Auto-boxing)
Ex: Integer a =10;
Constructor: By using wrapper class constructors.
Ex: Integer a = new Integer(10);
Static methods: By calling static method of wrapper classes, like valueOf();
Ex: Integer wrapper = Integer.valueOf(10);
Wrapper Classes Constructors
Note: Wrapper class Character has no String argument constructor.
The class hierarchy of wrapper class
Conversion of Wrapper Classes to String and Primitive and Vice-Versa
String to Wrapper Class:
Integer wrapper= Integer.valueOf("10");
String to Primitive:
int primitive = Integer.parseInt("10");
Wrapper to String:
String String1= String.valueOf(wrapper);
String String2 = wrapper.toString();
Wrapper to primitive:
int intValue = wrapper.intValue();
Primitive to Wrapper:
Integer wrapper = Integer.valueOf(10);
Primitive to String:
String string3 = Integer.toString(10);
Summary of above conversion in Diagram
- Wrapper classes
- The class hierarchy of wrapper class
- Creating an object of the wrapper classes
- The wrapper classes are used to wrap primitives in an object. So, they can be added to a collection object.
- To define utility functions that are required for the primitives.
- All wrapper classes are immutable.
- Wrapper classes Byte, Short, Integer and Long cache objects with values in the range of -128 to 127. The Character class caches objects with values 0 to 127.
- Wrapper classes Float and Double don't cache objects for any range of values.
- public class Test{
- public static void main(String[] args){
- Integer a =10;
- Integer b=10;
- System.out.println(a==b);//true
- Integer c=128;
- Integer d =128;
- System.out.println(c==d);//false,reason value 128 is out of range of cache objects .So it will create new object.
- }
- }
You can create objects of all the wrapper classes in multiple ways
Assignment : By assigning a primitive to a wrapper class variable(Auto-boxing)
Ex: Integer a =10;
Constructor: By using wrapper class constructors.
Ex: Integer a = new Integer(10);
Static methods: By calling static method of wrapper classes, like valueOf();
Ex: Integer wrapper = Integer.valueOf(10);
Wrapper Classes Constructors
Wrapper Class
Byte(byte a),Byte(String s)
Short(short a),Short(String s)
Integer(int a),Integer(String s)
Long(long a),Long(String s)
Float(float a),Float(String s)
Double(double a),Double(String s)
Character(char a)
Boolean(boolean a),Boolean(String s)
Note: Wrapper class Character has no String argument constructor.
The class hierarchy of wrapper class
String to Wrapper Class:
Integer wrapper= Integer.valueOf("10");
String to Primitive:
int primitive = Integer.parseInt("10");
Wrapper to String:
String String1= String.valueOf(wrapper);
String String2 = wrapper.toString();
Wrapper to primitive:
int intValue = wrapper.intValue();
Primitive to Wrapper:
Integer wrapper = Integer.valueOf(10);
Primitive to String:
String string3 = Integer.toString(10);
Summary of above conversion in Diagram