Single Dimensional array declaration
int[] a;
int a[];
int []a;
Double dimensional array declaration
int[][] a;
int [][]a;
int a[][];
int a[] [];
int[] a[];
Three dimensional array declaration
int[][][] a;
int [][][]a;
int a[][][];
int a[] [][];
int a[][] [];
int a [][][];
Note: If you specify the [](dimension) before the variable this rule is applicable only for the first variable. The second variable onward you can't apply in the same declaration.
e.g int[]a,[]b;//invalid
Array construction:
Whenever you are creating an array every element is initialized with default value automatically.
Declaration and initialization of an array in a single line:
int[] a = {10,20,30,40};
int[][] a ={{10,20},{30}.{40,50}};
int[][][] a ={{{10,20},{30}},{{40,50}},{{60},{70,80},{90}}};
length vs length() method:
It is the final variable applicable only for arrays.
It represents the size of the array.
length() method:
It is the final method applicable to String objects.
It returns the no of characters present in the String.
Anonymous Arrays:
Array element assignments:
Case 1: In the case of a primitive array, as array elements, any type is allowed which can be promoted to declared type.
Example 1: For the int type arrays the allowed array element types are a byte, short, char, int
Example 2: For the float type arrays the allowed array element types are a byte, short, char, int, long, float. e.g. int[] a = new int[10]; a[0]=97;//valid, a[1]=10L;//invalid
Case 2: In the case of a Class type arrays, as array elements, you can provide either declared type objects or its child class objects.
Object[] obj = new Object[10];
obj[0] = new Object();//valid
obj[1] = new String("anu");
Number[] numbers = new Numbers[10];
numbers[0] = new Integer(10);//valid
numbers[1] = new String("kalawati");//invalid because String is not the child class of Number class.
Case 3: In the case of interface type arrays, as array elements, you can provide its implemented class objects.
Runnable[] r = new Runnable[10];
r[0] = new Thread();//valid
r[1] = new String("Amit");// invalid, because String is not implemented class of Runnable interface.
Array variable assignments:
Memory Representation of Arrays:
- Introduction
- Array declaration
- Array construction
- Array initialization
- Array declaration construction initialization in a single line.
- length vs length()
- Anonymous arrays
- Array element assignments
- Array variable assignments
- An array is a collection of homogeneous elements.
- It can represent multiple values with the same name.
- It is fixed in size. Means once you created an array you can't change the size of the array
- It is an object in java.
Single Dimensional array declaration
int[] a;
int a[];
int []a;
Double dimensional array declaration
int[][] a;
int [][]a;
int a[][];
int a[] [];
int[] a[];
Three dimensional array declaration
int[][][] a;
int [][][]a;
int a[][][];
int a[] [][];
int a[][] [];
int a [][][];
Note: If you specify the [](dimension) before the variable this rule is applicable only for the first variable. The second variable onward you can't apply in the same declaration.
e.g int[]a,[]b;//invalid
Array construction:
- Every array in java is an object so, you can create an object using the new operator.
E.g.: int[] a = new int[3]; - For every array type corresponding classes are available but these classes are part of java language and not available to the programmer level.
- You must specify the size at array creation otherwise you will get a compiler error.
E.g.: int[] a = new int[];//compiler error. - It is valid to have an array with size zero in java e.g int a = new int[0];
- You can't take array size with -ve int value, otherwise, you will get runtime exception NegativeArraySizeException
- The allowed data types to specify array size are a byte, short, char, int only.
- The maximum allowed array size in java is the maximum value of int size[2147483647]
- In java, multidimensional arrays are implemented as an array of arrays approach but not matrix form.
- The main advantage of this approach is to improve memory utilization.
Whenever you are creating an array every element is initialized with default value automatically.
Declaration and initialization of an array in a single line:
int[] a = {10,20,30,40};
int[][] a ={{10,20},{30}.{40,50}};
int[][][] a ={{{10,20},{30}},{{40,50}},{{60},{70,80},{90}}};
length vs length() method:
It is the final variable applicable only for arrays.
It represents the size of the array.
length() method:
It is the final method applicable to String objects.
It returns the no of characters present in the String.
Anonymous Arrays:
- Sometimes you can create an array without name such type of nameless arrays are called anonymous arrays.
- At the time of anonymous array creation, we can't specify the size otherwise you will get a compiler error e.g new int[]{10};//valid, new int[3]{10,20};//invalid
- You can give a name for anonymous array if required then it will be no longer anonymous e.g int[] a = new int[]{10,20};
Array element assignments:
Case 1: In the case of a primitive array, as array elements, any type is allowed which can be promoted to declared type.
Example 1: For the int type arrays the allowed array element types are a byte, short, char, int
Example 2: For the float type arrays the allowed array element types are a byte, short, char, int, long, float. e.g. int[] a = new int[10]; a[0]=97;//valid, a[1]=10L;//invalid
Case 2: In the case of a Class type arrays, as array elements, you can provide either declared type objects or its child class objects.
Object[] obj = new Object[10];
obj[0] = new Object();//valid
obj[1] = new String("anu");
Number[] numbers = new Numbers[10];
numbers[0] = new Integer(10);//valid
numbers[1] = new String("kalawati");//invalid because String is not the child class of Number class.
Case 3: In the case of interface type arrays, as array elements, you can provide its implemented class objects.
Runnable[] r = new Runnable[10];
r[0] = new Thread();//valid
r[1] = new String("Amit");// invalid, because String is not implemented class of Runnable interface.
Array variable assignments:
- Element level promotions are not applicable at the array level.
- Example: A char value can be promoted to int type but char array can't be promoted to an int array. int[] a ={10,20}; char[] ch ={'a','d'}; int[] b =a;//valid, an int[] c = ch;//invalid C.E
- Whenever you are assigning one array to another array internal elements won't copy just reference variables will be reassigned, so sizes are not important but types must be matched.Example: int[] a = {10,20,30,40}; int[] b ={10,20}; a=b;//valid b=a;//valid
- Whenever you are assigning one array to another array, dimensions must be matched, i.e in the place of a one-dimensional array, you must provide the same type only otherwise you will get a compiler error. int[][] a = new int[3][]; a[0] = new int[4][5];//invalid
- I explained earlier that every array is an object. This means you can assign an array object to a variable of type Object. Like this:
int[] intArray = new int[3]; Object obj = intArray; This is valid because an array of ints is an Object. Object[] obj2 = new int[3];//Invalid It will give you a compilation error because elements of the array pointed to by int array are not objects. They are ints. Therefore, you can't assign an array of ints to a variable of type array of objects. Each element of the array created using new int[2][3] is an array of ints. An array of ints is an object and therefore, an array of array of ints is an array of objects.
Object[][] obj3 = new int[3][2];//Invalid,
Object[] obj4 = new int[3][2];//valid
Memory Representation of Arrays:
Fig -1 |
Fig-2 Fig-3 Next Topic: METHOD & ENCAPSULATION |